After I got my SR 2000 case several weeks ago, I set out on the internet to find some cool color icons of it. Unfortunately, there weren't any. So, here's my attempt to remedy this. If you enjoy these icons, good. Send me an e-mail message letting me know. If you don't like them, let me know what you think needs to be changed, or don't use them. You are free to modify and re-release these icons, as long as I'm mentioned somewhere in the new distribution. You aren't free to claim these icons as your work.
The icons in the "Other SR 2000 Icons" folder are either not mine, or icons I made but didn't think were as good as the others. The two 3-D icons are mine, the other two were obtained from the net.
The easiest way to install these is using System 7.x:
• Select the icon you wish to use
• Select "Get Info" from the File menu
• Click on the icon in the Get Info window
• Select "Copy" from the Edit menu
• Close the Get Info window
• Select the target hard drive
• Select "Get Info" from the File menu
• Click on the icon in the Get Info window
• Select "Paste" from the Edit menu
• Close the Get Info window
That's it! You should now have a new icon for your drive. If your using System 6, this method won't work, and you'll need to use ResEdit (Which I'm not going to go into. If you don't know, you shouldn't mess with ResEdit.)
Use these at your own risk, and if you screw something up, don’t come crying to me. If you've got an icon you like now, make an alias of the drive before you go messing with it so you can get your icon back. But if you like them, let me know. If you have something you'd like included, mail it to me!
I'd like to thank the following people who either directly or indirectly helped me with the icons:
• APS ( for making such a cool drive enclosure
• Doug Hoff ( for providing me with several sample icons and design suggestions
• Unknown 1 for the "APS SR2000" icon (if you created this, mail me and I'll add your name)
• Unknown 2 for the "APS Drive" icon (if you created this, mail me and I'll add your name)
• Jason Garman ( for design suggestions
• Greg Salter ( for the Copland HD icon and Read Me file format (which I've borrowed)